Thank you for taking the time to read our story. I, Payam Ahmadi, am the first person from the third generation of a family that started working in the field of poultry industry since 1959 by raising 200 day-old chickens.
Raising broiler chicken and laying hens, day-old chick production, as well as slaughtering and distribution of chicken meat have been the main activities of our family during this history of more than sixty years.
Our activity in the turkey breeding industry began in 2001 and of course continues until today.
During these 20 years and along with the growth of this industry in Iran, our business activity also grew and developed. During the first decade, our main activity was in the field of raising commercial turkeys and distributing turkey meat, which at that time was an almost unknown product to the general public.
Turkey meat is one of the healthiest types of meat with high protein, a variety of minerals and vitamins, as well as minimal saturated fat and the lowest level of cholesterol. Approximately 65% of turkey meat is white and located in the breast area, and the remaining 35% is reddish and located in the leg area. Each of these meats are different in terms of taste.
The red meat of turkey contains more vitamins and minerals than its white meat, while the white meat of turkey has less fat and calories than its red meat. Almost all the fat of turkey is in its skin; and its red meat has more fat than its white meat.
Turkey meat contains more than 80 types of useful nutrients for the human body, some of which will be mentioned below.
.Turkey meat has higher protein content compared to chicken and red meat which makes it indispensable to our cuisine
.Turkey meat with its lower fat ratio is ideal for people who is keen on a healthy diet
Turkey meat contains protective minerals for human health such as selenium and potassium
.Turkey meat is preferable as a diet food for its low calorie and keeps full
.Turkey meat is known as heart-friendly for its lower cholesterol content
.Turkey meat is reach in Vitamin B12 and B3 essential for prevention of anemia and supporting cell growth and for digestion and nervous systems respectively
Prepare and enjoy exciting and delicious dishes with our products