A nutrient and delicious meal, made of turkey breast and zuccini; a turkey burger
turkey meat (minced): 450g
zuccini (large grate grated): 200g
bread powder: 4 table spoons
garlic (minced): 1 clove
mustard sauce: 4 table spoons
red onion (grated): 1 table spoon
black pepper
burger bread: 5
Squeeze the grated zuccini in a clean cloth, and remove the juice of it.
In a large a bowl, mix minced meat, grated zuccini, bread powder, garlic, onion, salt and pepper. Knead thoroughly.
Make the above mixture into five burgers, each about 110g.
You can either fry the burgers in a pan with oil or grill it. Each side about 5 minutes till.
Halve the burger bread and spread a desired sauce on the bottom side of the bread.
Add the burgers, and then some letuce, sliced tomaos and pickles on top.
Place the other half of the bread on it and press a little.
Serve it with desired pickles and sauce.